‘Crypto Godfather’ Pleads Guilty to Tax Crimes, Violating Civil Rights Via Off-Duty Cops

‘Crypto Godfather’ Pleads Guilty to Tax Crimes, Violating Civil Rights Via Off-Duty Cops


Adam Iza poses with off-duty LASD officers, who he used to harass and intimidate his enemies. Photo provided by U.S. Attorney’s Office.

Ahmed Faiq “Adam Iza,” 24, was charged with conspiracy against rights, wire fraud and tax evasion. He’s been in federal custody since September 2024. One of his accomplices, forty-one-year-old Eric Chase Saavedra of Chino, a LASD deputy and former federal task force officer, was separately charged with conspiracy against rights and subscribing to a false tax return.

Iza and Saavedra also pleaded guilty to federal tax evasion – Iza for almost $6.8 million in unreported income and Saavedra for just over $373K in unreported income. After pleading guilty, Iza will face up to 35 years in federal prison. Saavedra will face up to 13 years in federal prison.”

By pleading guilty, both men waived their right to a jury trial.

Using Law Enforcement Officers to Harass and Intimidate

Iza hired off-duty LASD deputies as enforcers who acted on his behalf against his enemies to amass “significant wealth that he and his co-conspirators funneled through shell companies,” according to the criminal complaint.

Saavedra, who acted as one of Iza’s enforcers, “was assigned to LASD’s Operation Safe Streets Bureau and served as a federal task force officer assigned to the United States Marshals Service’s Pacific Southwest Regional Fugitive Task Force.” Prosecutors say he used his position to get fraudulent warrants used to harass, intimidate, and arrest Iza’s victims, violating the law to impress Iza and keep the cash flowing in.

A conversation between Iza and one of the deputies discussed a fraudulent warrant obtained by Saavedra, according to a criminal complaint obtained by The Daily Muck.

Saavedra also founded a private security company called Saavedra & Associates LLC, which employed other LASD deputies. Between 2021 and 2024, Iza often contracted out Saavedra’s company to the tune of $100,000 per month.

Iza, Saavedra, and others further used this information “to locate, intimidate, harass, threaten and extort individuals” with whom Iza had disputes. They used encrypted social apps like Telegram to purportedly avoid law enforcement interception and scrutiny.

In one instance, Iza hired an event planner for a birthday party at his Bel Air mansion, then later robbed him at gunpoint when he refused to hand over his phone and credit cards, say prosecutors. Off-duty deputies working as security also pulled their guns, forcing the planner to comply. In the following weeks, LASD officers used illegal search warrants to accuse him of drug trafficking, and during a staged traffic stop, Iza stopped by to take photos of his arrest.

Iza used his ill-gotten wealth to live a luxurious lifestyle that included “luxury vehicles, rent payments for a Bel Air mansion, and even getting cosmetic surgery to extend the length of his legs.” Between 2020 and 2022, Iza “concealed his receipt of tens of millions of dollars” and avoided income taxes, say prosecutors.

Matthew Koelher
Matthew Koehler is a freelance writer and journalist based in Washington, DC. His work has appeared in Greater Greater Washington, The Washington Post, The Southwester, From Day One, and Walking Cinema, among others.
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