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Editorial Principles of The Daily Muck
The Daily Muck will be steadfast in our commitment to the values of transparency, integrity and fairness so that readers may trust in the accuracy and reliability of our reporting.
In furtherance of these values, we observe the following:

Every story has multiple sides, and we are committed to giving everyone a fair shake.

Just because someone has been arrested or accused of something doesn’t mean they are guilty. Our subjects are innocent until found guilty by a court of law.

No one is exempt from potential coverage by The Daily Muck. We don’t bend to political, government or corporate influence.

We go after the worst of the worst– for instance, fraudsters whose unscrupulous behavior affects large swaths of the population. We also report on officials in positions of public trust whose actions violate their professional obligations. Our purpose in doing so is to ultimately diminish their ability to harm others by shining a light on their actions.

While we may use humor and irony as stylistic devices in some of our stories, we take the crimes we write about seriously. We are dedicated to helping our audience learn how to protect themselves from fraud and scams.

We do not use AI to write or research stories. While AI has its place, we believe that the human brain is superior when it comes to creating, vetting and authenticating news coverage. The Daily Muck is for humans by humans.

Without our readers, we are nothing. The Daily Muck’s readers deserve excellence in journalism. We constantly endeavor to exceed their expectations.

We strive for political neutrality in both choosing our topics and how we cover them. Our goal is to never allow politics to taint the objectivity of our reporting. We are neither “right-leaning” nor “left-leaning.” Our interests are extortion, fraud, corruption, white-collar crime, human trafficking, and abuses of power– not political parties and agendas.

We encourage dialogue with our readers, and although we go to great lengths to verify the veracity of our stories, we are not immune from making mistakes.

If you spot a problem in any of our articles, please contact us at
And we will look into it.
Medical Fraud – What You Need to Know It’s a crime that costs Americans billions. An offense that endangers lives. And no one is immune from the effects of these unlawful acts– they literally affect each and every one of us. The crime is medical fraud.
Teresa Tennyson | Jun 21, 2024
Sextortion… How to Navigate It and Deter Further Attempts Sextortion is a newer form of crime where scammers use explicit photos, personal allegations, or other sensitive material to extort money from their victims. People from all walks of life have been targeted for sextortion– women and men, young and old. It’s important to remember that being targeted by sextortion fraudsters doesn’t mean you’ve done […]
Teresa Tennyson | Jun 21, 2024
Can the FTC Stop the Scammers Coming for Your Money? Not everyone has fallen victim to a scam, but everyone has been the target of an attempted scam.
Teresa Tennyson | Apr 13, 2024